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Cord Cutting with Reiki


If you are ready to cut ties with someone from your past that no longer serves you energetically, then I can complete a cord cutting session on my end. I prepare a ritual that includes the element of fire (candles) and the element of earth (herbs and crystals) to release. Many times we feel stuck from moving forward from past partners that left us with lessons that we are still processing, so for me cord cutting is a session that I complete when someone is ready to move forward. I will guide you on the lessons the person brought for you, and then we cut the energetic cords that keep you bound to that person. You may require more than one session because releasing and healing is a journey and for each one of us is different.


Is cord cutting for me?


Are you feeling stuck in their energy?


Do you have many thoughts and conversations in your mind about them?


Do you keep thinking What if?


Do you stay in the past and find yourself unable to move forward?


Are you having a hard time understanding the lessons they brought?



What to expect?

You don’t have to worry about meeting for your session since I do the ritual at my home and share my findings in your session. I end the session with sending Reiki to your heart and root chakras to help you make grounded decisions from your heart rather than your ego.


You will receive a recorded video from your session with channeled messages. The recording will be made available to you via a private link on YouTube, allowing you to access and revisit the reading whenever you need to.


Session will be completed within 15 business days Monday through Friday excludes weekends and holidays.

Cutting Cords with Reiki

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